Here are the TRUE Guardians of the Galaxy in their debut:

Notice that there are no talking raccoons, walking trees, or goofy guys in rocket packs. The whole origin of the Guardians was that they were natives of the Earth solar system during the 33rd century, after the alien Badoon took over the solar system. All were humans modified to exist on all the planets. Some were aliens from other worlds where the Badoon held sway. The original members were:
Vance Astro - a "Buck Rogers" type found floating in space. He wore a form-fitted space suit that was his life-line. He had spent centuries in the suit and the controlled environment preserved him while in stasis. If he ever tore a hole in the suit he would die, aging in minutes. His power was telekinesis that developed during his extended hibernation. He later acquired a symbol of freedom from the past - Captain America's indestructible shield - which became a symbol for freedom from the Badoon.
Martinex - a native of Pluto who had been bioengineered into a crystalline form to withstand the extreme cold. He could project heat from one hand and extreme cold from the other. His crystalline form allowed him to exist in the vacuum of space for a while.
Charlie-27 - a native of the moons of Jupiter and former miner, this brute was bioengineered to withstand the crushing gravity of the Jovian system. In normal gravity he possessed enormous strength and endurance.
Yondu - the blue-skinned, red-sailed mystic alien from Alpha Centauri, the nearest system to Earth. He was empathic and was a skilled archer. His arrows could be directed in flight with whistle commands.
Starhawk - a fused being (consisting of a man and woman) from Arcturus. Starhawk had cosmic awareness and could tell when something threatened the very fabric of the multiverse. He could fly at tremendous speeds, even in deep space. His suit allowed him to survive the rigors of interstellar travel. Apparently he also possessed some sort of solar blast.
Nikki (not pictured above) - A junior member, this female from Mercury had fiery hair and gray skin. She was heat resistant and was a distinguished thief.
I first encountered these heroes in the Korvac saga presented during the Avengers in the late 1970s. They arrived from the future to warn the heroes of the cosmically powered criminal from their time (a man who had been surgically attached to a machine from the waist down). I believe it had something to do with the cosmic cube and how it had empowered the villain so that he could remake reality at a whim. In any case, the series showed the deaths of every Avenger of the time as they assaulted Korvac's hideout. It was a very dramatic story and ended with Korvac recanting the power and restoring life to all the heroes before dying himself.
I'm fairly certain that NONE of that made it into the movie. The movie is more likely based on the ill-conceived REPLACEMENT Guardians developed in the early 1990s. This band consisted of a motley crew of Marvels lesser known heroes and villains from the 1970s and early 1980s, probably done in such a way that they didn't lose copyright on any of them (in the comic business, it's "use it or lose it" as far as character names and concepts go). So this is the direction the producer chose to take and now I'm boycotting it on this fact alone. Is it really so hard to use the material as originally presented? Couldn't this movie be made with at least some relation to the original heroes? Some alteration for time difference is to be expected, but there's no reason to rewrite decades of Marvel history to make a buck!
Actually, the Guardians from the early '90s series were the classic team, and it just followed their adventures from where the old stories left off.
ReplyDeleteThe second team, formed in the present time rather than in an alternate future, was created around 2007 or so, and was essentially the team from the movie plus Adam Warlock, the Micronaut Bug, the Celestial Madonna Mantis, and a version of Vance Astro (at least at the beginning) from a possible future where the classic team had died and he was thrown back in time; he was the one to give them the idea for the name. And it was a very good comic.
I don't know where you got the idea the '90s series was based on some new team. The original Guardians were obscure characters, and the new team was also made up of obscure characters from the '60s througgh the '80s; Groot was actually older than the old team, first appearing in 1960.
Marvel made a lot of bad decisions in the late 1980s to early 1990s. Mixing and matching teams, transferring characters from one series to another, multiple cross-overs, reboots, etc. I ended my collecting of Marvel titles after learning that my beloved FF were being transformed into yet another title with Wolverine and Spider-Man.... Instead of coming up with new and more interesting stories, they decided to take the Marvel Universe in a direction that seemed just wrong to me.
ReplyDeleteSome people like to see the status quo shaken up. I'm not one of those people. If I liked the original GotG, why would I even WANT to see another team with the same name? Give the team a NEW name, let them become popular on their OWN merits. And they really need to stop with all this 'flawed heroes' garbage. If I want reality I'll watch the evening news. Kids these days need SOMETHING to believe in, some higher morals to aspire towards, and some semblance of right vs. wrong. Again, the cast for GotG was just a means of maintaining copyrights on failed characters. IMHO, they would have done better letting "rocket raccoon" just fade away....