Tuesday, May 2, 2017

OD&D 1974 Character Creation

I was in a nostalgic mood today and decided after work that I would sit down and create a character "Old School" style. So I opened up my pdf version of Men & Magic, got out my d6 brick, and started rolling! Here's the result:

  • Strength  11
  • Intelligence 11
  • Wisdom  12
  • Constitution  8
  • Dexterity  8
  • Charisma  12
Not a bad set of rolls, but painfully average in most stats. Since the only high Prime Requisite I had was in Wisdom, I opted to go for Cleric. After reading (and re-reading) the section on ability scores, it seemed that I could reduce one of the other PRs in order to raise Wisdom to get that all coveted Experience bonus. I noticed that I was only 1 point away, so I lowered my intelligence 2 points to add 1 point in Wisdom. I then rolled a 12 for money, meaning that I now had 120 GP to buy equipment! Let me introduce to you....

1st level Cleric (Man), Hit Points: 4   Exp. = 0
  • Strength  11
  • Intelligence 9
  • Wisdom  13 (+5% earned Exp.)
  • Constitution 8 (50% survival chance)
  • Dexterity  8 (-1 missiles)
  • Charisma  12  (4 henchmen max.)
Languages Known: Common, Lawful
Equipment: (Encumbrance = 830 GP WT., Move = 9"/turn)
  • Chain Mail Armor (30 GP)
  • Shield (10 GP)
  • Helmet (10 GP)
  • Mace (5 GP)
  • 50' Rope (1 GP)
  • 2 Small Sacks (2 GP)
  • Silver Cross (25 GP)
  • Holy Water (25 GP)
  • 1 Week Std. Rations (5 GP)
My Armor Class is a 4.
I can use magic armor like a fighter, and non-edged magic weapons.
I have 7 GP left at the start of the game.
Although I can't cast spells yet, I can Turn Undead (Skeletons 7, Zombies 9, Ghouls 11) on a 2d6 roll.

So, not a bad character! He needs to be in a large party in order to survive. Those 4 Hit Points are not gonna do him much good I'm afraid. One good hit and he will drop like a sack of potatoes. Since his Con is slightly below average I'm giving him a hacking cough which he acquired after fasting and praying in nothing but a thin linen robe for a week in penance. Although he is pious and faithful, his studies have fallen to the wayside. He is competent enough to hold his own in weapons practice though, and he gets along well with his fellows at the monastery. Not sure about religion in OD&D though. It seems like the implied religion here is Christian-like -- no doubt because of the presence of holy crosses and other aspects. I would assume, however, that this character does NOT exist in an Earth-like world at all (since this is D&D and magic & monsters exist). Let's assume that this character actually exists in the old Greyhawk campaign -- and let's assume that he is a worshipper of  St. Cuthbert (a somewhat Christian-like deity). Beyond this, I don't think I need to go into any more detail than I already have. The character is complete!

I doubt 7 GP will be enough to hire many henchmen. Perhaps he should just try and get some men-at-arms to accompany him on his first adventure. For 4 GP he can hire two light foot men-at-arms for a month. I assume they are dressed in leather armor, with or without shield, and with light weapons like spears and short swords. If Darnok has to equip these men then he can't afford to hire them!

With my new guardsmen, Darnok is ready to find others willing to locate and enter a dungeon! Now if only I knew of a Dungeon Master who still ran OD&D....

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